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three methods of protection Experience of LED circuit

时间:2011-1-7 21:53:02 来源:互联网 作者:不详 编辑: 【关闭

三种保护LED电路方法的经验总结,three methods of protection Experience of LED circuit



但是在实际使用中发现要寻找满足要求电压值的TVS器件很不容易。 LED光珠的损坏主要是因为电流过大使芯片内部过热造成的。 TVS只能探测过电压不能探测过电流。要选择合适的电压保护点很难掌握,这种器件就无法生产也就很难在实际中使用。


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Three kinds of methods to protect LED Circuit Experience
1. Protect the LED circuit with fuse (tube)
As the fuse is a one-off, and the reaction is slow, ineffective, cumbersome to use, so not suitable for LED lights fuse finished, because LED lights are now mainly works in the city's glory and the lighting project. It calls for LED protection circuit to be very harsh: When in excess of normal can immediately start using the current protection for LED power supply channel was off, so that the power LED and can be protected, in the light then automatically resume normal for power, does not affect the LED work.Circuit size not too big not too complicated, the cost is even lower. So with the way the fuse was very difficult to achieve.
2. Use of transient voltage suppression diodes (referred to as TVS)
Transient voltage suppression diode is a diode form of high-performance protective devices. When it's poles by the reverse transient high-energy shock to the 10 th power of negative 12 seconds a very short period of time the speed, high resistance between the poles themselves immediately reduced to low resistance, absorb up to several kilowatts of power surge , the voltage between the poles clamp element in a predetermined voltage value, and effective protection in the circuit of precision components. Transient voltage suppression diodes have fast response time, transient power, low leakage current, breakdown voltage deviation consistency, for voltage clamp easier to control, no damage limit, the advantages of small size.
However, in actual use was found to meet the requirements of voltage to find the TVS device is not easy. LED Light bead damage was mainly due to overheating chip overcurrent caused by the Ambassador. TVS can detect over-voltage can not detect over-current. To select the appropriate voltage protection is difficult to grasp, this device can not be produced would be very difficult to use in practice.
3. Select from the restoration of fuse
Resettable fuse, also known as polymer positive temperature thermistor PTC, is a polymer with conductive particles such as composition. After special processing, the conductive particles form chains in the polymer conductive pathway. When the normal operating current through (or components in a normal ambient temperature) when, PTC resettable fuse presents low resistance state; when the circuit by an abnormal over-current (or environmental temperature), the large current (or environmental temperature) the heat generated by the rapid expansion the polymer, thus cutting off the conductive particles are composed of conductive pathways, PTC resettable fuse was high impedance state; when the circuit over-current (over temperature state) disappears, polymer cooling, the volume recovery normal, in which conductive particles constitute a conductive path again, PTC resettable fuse again showed the initial low resistance state. In normal operation to resume security control of the heat from a small, abnormal working conditions in the heat of its high resistance to large, thus limiting the current through it to play a protective effect. In the specific circuit, you can choose:
① shunt protection. LED lamp is generally slip into a lot of concatenation. We can slip in front of each component separately add a PTC protected. This approach has the advantage of high accuracy, good reliability of protection.
② overall protection. In all preceded by light beads then a PTC element, the entire light protection. Advantage of this approach is simple, not bulky. For civilian products, such protection results in actual use or satisfactory.

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